Friday, November 6, 2009

U G L Y.

your beautiful, you really are.

you have the looks, you have the intelligence.

your almost perfect, you really are.

but its your attitude, your attitude makes you look ugly.

your beautiful, you really are.

your smile brightens my day.

when ii look into your eyes, ii see perfection.

but its your attitude, your attitude makes you look ugly.

your beautiful, you really are.

but its the way you act, your ugly.

your exterior is beautiful.

but its your attitude, your attitude makes you look ugly..

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

what's goin' on ?

As I sit here, watching the news, all I can think is what's goin' on ?
War, violence, shooting, killing, swine flu, &&the economy are what is talked about everyday. When you see an honor student on the news that has been killed by gang violence, all you can do is say really though? That's someone's life. And the sad thing is young people, MY generation, doesn't care about they hurt. What's goin' on ?

Everyday when I hear about this economy, our economy, I think about my future. When 10,000 people are losing jobs, ii began to think how am I suppose to get a job when I get older? I mean I can't predict the future, im just basing it off of what I know. Whats goin' on ?

I see the war on tv and im thinking to myself, when is it going to over? Couple of years? A decade? Never? When is our economy going to see a bright side? When are our young people going to stop killing eachother over senseless things? I don't have the answer, all I can think is What's Goin' On People ?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

&&at the end of the day, ii just want the old times back.

Lets go back to seventh grade, when ii told you everything, and you told me everything. You were indeed my bestfriend. There wasn't one day where we didnt communicate. I just want those times backk.
Now lets go to eighth grade, in english and math class. Great times if ii must say so myself. That year was greatttt !
Now, lets go way back to elementary school. First grade type stuff. When you were so young that you didnt judge anyone, you just had fun and played with whoever. &&remember when people had holiday spirit? Im talking about like Christmas and Halloween. When people actually wanted to decorate their homes with lights and put up the christmas tree. I remember when ii use to wake up in the morning and it would just feel like christmas. Now its like ii wake up, get my one gift and go back into my room.
But now lets go to 5th grade. Man ii had some good times that year. If ii could do it over, ii definitely would. The teacher was definitely the best teacher ever.
Now we go to ninth grade. We had our group, &&we had tons of fun. [WE] were unbreakable. [WE] went tons of places together. [WE] laughed, [WE] joked, && [WE] played. [WE] helped out one another with our problems and it was just, GREAT.
Man, ii just want the good times back ya know ?
But now ? its just ALL wrong, &&it seems like those things are just things of the past.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Michael Vick.

...Signs with the Eagles[suckie team]. He made a 2-year deal with them for 1.6million for the first year with an option for the second year at 5.2million. He was once the highest paid player in the NFL but ofcourse not anymore. But I am definitely happy for him(: I am wishing him the BEST of luckkkkk !

Monday, August 10, 2009

-The month of august.

I have tons to do this month !

-Plan my [kickback] whose coming, food, music, which beach ii wanna have it at, things of that nature.

-Finish reading book for English :/

-Finish book for Government.

-Write essay on that book for Government, which is due like the first/2nd day of school !

-Write a summary for three articles, in SPANISH !, also due the 1st/2nd day of school !

-Brother's birthday-August 27th.

-Best Buddie's birthday(:

-Finish shopping for clothes&&shoes for school.

-Get school supplies

-Hopefully go to NEW YORK !

I think that's about it(:

p.s.- first post from my iPod touch :D

Monday, August 3, 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

damn Drake where's wheelchair Jimmy at ?

Cant believe Drake hurt himself, AGAIN. I personally think he should have just followed doctor's orders. I KNOW the people that plan on going to the concert on Sunday in Virginia are going to be highly upset if he doesnt perform. But I do think that the doctor will tell him that he cant perform so idkkkk. I just hope and pray that he gets better real soon.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Omer Bhatti

He definitely looks like Michael Jackson to me.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Chris Brown apologizing.

I think that this apology has been long awaited&&ii think thats his apology was sincere. I think that everyone is capable of changing and I do believe that he should be given a second chance.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Left before we go back to school. &&to be honest, those 52 days couldnt come soon enough. im ready to go backkkk. call me stupid, but im just anxious to see what this year brings. My second year of high school, boy am I pumped(: &&also im sophomore class president ! im pretty darn excited about that. There's tons of people I want to see as well. I dont want to go for the work, just the experience. But as of now, im just chilling, enjoying my days off.
-deanna s.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

words from Heather Noble.

"its funny how hello is always accompanied with a goodbye;its funny how good memories can start to make you cry; its funny how forever never really lasts; its funny how much you'd lose if you forgot about your past; its funny how "friends" leave you when your down && its funny how when you need someone they're never around. Its funny how people change && think they're so much better; && its funny how so many lies can be packed in one "love letter". Its funny how people forgive but never forgett && its funny how one night can contain so much regret. Its funny how ironic life turns out to be. But the funniest part of all is none of that is funny to me..."

Monday, June 15, 2009


Jocked this from Jada(:

But lets get on with it shall we;;

have so much potential but your following the wrong path. Ii want to see you go far but the people that are you friends tend to have a negative effect on you :/ Ii you soooo much and ii hope you go on to do great things. Congrats(:

are hella confusing. Ii know everyone has their good days and their bad days, but DAMN. You can be a really big beeotch sometimes but ii know you arnt intentionally being a beeotch(: you're really smart and you have a good head on your shoulders. Ii hope you work out the problems that you're having.

are a great friend. But ii feel like we've somewhat grown apart. Ii mean, we use to talk a lot, and it just isnt that way anymore. We use to tell eachother everything, but ii realize that things change. Oh yeah and there is something that ii have been meaning to tell you, your a strong person, but you need a little bit more backbone. I hope all of your problems with your relationship and your family cease because you deserve to smile everyday instead of worry about other problems.

are such a great human being. Ii just want to let you know that ii would never ever in a million and one years give up on you. You are a bit crazy and wierd and different, but HEY, so am ii(: You need to stop being so depressed all the time though. You also have a good head on your shoulders buddy.

are hella opinonated. You dont bite your tongue for anyone, &&ii respect that. Although sometimes ii think your a little mean, ii guess its just honesty.

are hella RUDE, hha. &&you know you are. &&your ass stay ashy, ii mean damn, get some lotion. But your a great person whether your ashy or not(:

...iDk, your just, you. ii dont think you care whether you hurt people's feelings or not. Sometimes ii just feel like you do things JUST to get attention. A lot of things you do just piss me, even though ii dont say anything. One day you will learn that the world doesnt revolve around you. Hopefully that day is soon, but ii highly doubt it. You need to also realize that some things you say really hurt people.

But what about me?
Me? ii say some pretty harsh things and ii apologize. I get misunderstood A LOT! &&its kind of irritating, but what can ii do? ii cant control what people think of me, so why even try. YOU may think im mean, but me?, ii, really couldnt care. Im ready for school to be OVER because ii need to just chill and get away from the DRAMA.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

"We forgive but don't forget, it's interesting."

Interesting indeed. Why is this so? I think we dont forget because it might be hard to forget how bad it hurt. The thought of it just makes us mad, but we say we forgave that person for doing whatever they did. We forgive because it is the right thing to do right? Everyone makes mistakes right? Yeaaa, SUREEEE. But then we always think to ourselves, how could he/she do something like that or say something like that or go behind my freaking back like that? I thought we were friends. Friends dont do that to eachother, &&yet we still forgive them, but we never forget about it. Our minds wont let us forget. Sometimes we want to, BADLY, but we cant, &&it SUCKS to your auntie. But whatever, that's L.I.F.E! &&life, oh its pretty darn rough.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

im tired of all the bullshit.

So im kind of at that point right now where the smallest thing and im mean the smallest thing can just make me blow the fck up. Im tired of people's bullcrap, and im tired of people talking about me behind my back. Im tired of all the BS that comes along with a certain person, im TIRED of it all. Im tired of people jumping to conclusions, &&im tired of people not taking responsibility for the own actions. STOP blaming other people for the wrong that you do and own up to it. If you have something to say to me, say it to me, and not everyone else. Im tired of the certain people that always play the victim, like what they do or did wasnt wrong. Im tired of the people that think the whole freaking world revolves around them, WHEN IT DOESNT. Im tired of the people that has their head so far up their asses that they cant see when they really hurt someone. But most of all, im tired of YOU.

Monday, June 8, 2009

3rd blog.

so uhh, ii wanted to say a lot more, but ill leave it at this.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

why, cant ii seem to figure out what to do?

okay, so ii have this big history project, which ii should be doing right now, &&its dew/do in 3days, and ii dont know where to start. &&ii dont think im going to be able to get enough news articles. Goshhh, pray for meeeeeeee(:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

1st video B L O G.

Comment and let me know what you think(:

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Most comfortable outfit in my book.

I could wear some bball shorts, a tee, and some vans on a daily bases. Its just comfortable to me. I wouldnt wear it every single day but quite often. And its getting hot so this is gonna be my outfit for awhile. Ofcourse not the same pair every other day. Oh and if your wondering if I wear this because im poor, hell no thats not the reason. I can afford tons of shit, but thats just comfortable to meeee(: And yeah, im a fcking tomboy.

So umm, yeah. Im hoping it snows soon.

So one day at school my spanish teacher assigns homework, duhh. The homework was to copy down vocabulary from a page in the textbook. So im like okay, no biggie, this is easy. I get home and I dont feel like writing the vocab so I decide to type it. While im typing it a good friend of mine calls me and tells me that she doesnt have her book. She asked me if I could scan the page and I was like well ill just print you out a copy since im typing mine and she was like okay. So the day comes when we have to turn in the homework. I turn in mine and the teacher was like muy bien, [its spanish class if you didnt catch it in the 1st sentence.] My friend then turns in homework and the teacher says we have to do it over because its cheating. &&right then and there I was like SIKE!

So we explain to this teacher that my friend did not have her book and she was like oh okay acting like its okay. Now the day we turned in homework was a Thursday. When I get home on Friday I have to use the bathroom. So while im in the bathroom the phone rings. I wash my hands and run to get the phone. Its my parent's job number so im like they must be going somewhere before they get home. So I pick up the phone and say hello, all I can hear after that is the sound of yelling. My teacher called my parent's job that day. So im getting yelled at and what now and then my parent's last words were, "and you better not ask to go anywhere until it snows." That's when I get infuriated! Seeing as my people's extra strict about grades and school, I wasnt surprised that I was getting in trouble. But until it snows? Im like wtf? And this was like the first time that I have ever gotten in trouble for school. And you better believe that there wasnt any explaining that I could do cause my parent had their mind made up. So now every single fck'n weekend im in my house staring at the walls, on Myspace, watching T.V., or doing chorse, unless ofcourse, it snows.

-deanna scott.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine Flu, &&aids.

**90 people get swine flu & everybody wants 2wear surgical masks. 1 million people have AIDS & nobody wants 2wear a condom.. Shame huh?

I saw that on one of my friend's myspace page and i began to think, wow, thats so fcking T R U E. Why is it that some people refuse to wear a condom because it just might take the feeling out of sex but they wear a mask when they her about swine flu killing 90 people. And yet, your willing to risk your life by not wearing a condom. It just doesnt make any sense to me. Anybody know the statistics for AIDS? No, well here are some to catch your eye:
33.2 million people now live with HIV or AIDS.
In 2007, approximately 2.5 million people were infected with HIV.
Every day, over 6800 people become infected with HIV - almost five people per minute.
5700 people die from AIDS every day.
One child dies every minute.
15 million children around the world have been orphaned by AIDS, losing one or both parents to the disease.
Every fifteen seconds, another person age 15-24 becomes infected with HIV/AIDS.
Roughly one million people living with HIV/AIDS in the United States.
Since the start of the AIDS epidemic, 1.5 million Americans have been infected with HIV and more than 524,000 have died of AIDS.
At least 40,000 people are infected each year.
African Americans account for 48% of new HIV infections.
AIDS is the leading cause of death for African American women aged 25 to 34 and HIV rates among Hispanic women are increasing.
The number of women living with HIV has tripled in the last two decades.
At least half of all new infections are among people under the age of 25.
Washington, DC has the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the United States - one in 20 people are living with HIV or AIDS
Your telling me that you can look at that and still not put a damn condom on but when word spreads out that a few people in Mexico have died from the swine flu you start carrying around hand sanitizer cause you dont want to get infected? Hey, ii dont wanna catch as much as the next person. But really people, T H I N K about itt. And ii mean think HARD.
Marinate on that.
-deanna scott

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My [[#1]] F.E.A.R.

Fear is, A painful emotion or passion excited by the expectation of evil, or the apprehension of impending danger; apprehension; anxiety; solicitude; alarm; dread.
The number one thing that I am afraid of is [[FAILURE]] in the future.Ii want to be successful but im constantly thinking to myself what if I grow up and cant afford the things that Ii want and need for myself and my children.Ii know im only a teenager but some time soon im gonna have to think about things such as college and goals[[which Ii have started already.]]
But what if my grades arn't good enough to get in college or what if Ii dont succeed?!. Ii cant stay at home with my parents/guardians and live the good life all my life.Sooner or later im going to have to become a mature adult and take care of myself. Ii know this stuff alreadyyyy. But what if Ii grow up and work at fast food resteraunts all my life thinking wow, Ii really should have dont this and this and this differently.Ii mean we[[teenagers]] all have goals of having a big house and money when we get older but how much of us are really working towards that goal?!. Ii know Ii ammmm!
But there's always this question in the back of my mind asking myself will Ii be a failure in my life or will Ii accomplish all of my goals and have that big house and get to go shopping whenever Ii would like to? Or will Ii be working pay check to pay check struggling to pay rent at the beginning of the month? Ii guess time is the only way to tell.But until Ii find out im keeping my eye on the prize[[success]] and my steps in God's hands...

-DeAnna S.

Monday, January 12, 2009

what do Ii[[THINK]] about ittt?!.

-lil wayne is the [[2nd]] best rapper alive.
-kanye takes 1st.
-calling yourself a myspace celebrity is whackk, get ALIFE.
-ppl who wear fake shoes piss me off.
-yes our president elect is black, this doesnt mean that black ppl are gonna start getting free handouts.
-im against smoking!!
-safe sex is no sex.[[might have to change this one]]
-skinny jeans isnt for everyone.
-GOD should be number one, not your partner.
-Education is the key.
-baggy baggy jeans are ugly![[guys]]
-wearing a 3XL shirt when your a size medium isnt cute at all.
-blac label is overrated.
-your sexual preference should not define you as a person.
-myspace gansters humor me.
-everyone has swagg now?!. umm, nada.
-originality is dead.
-everyone is retro now?!. haaha.
-ppl who are always depressed annoy me.
-stereotyping isnt cool.
-take the time out to get to know ppl before you judge them.
-you shouldnt be in a relationship with a close friend, in the long run you will get hurt if the two of you break up.
-you should not play with ppl's emotions&&feelings!!!!
-some teachers are so stupid.
-what's confidence without a little cocckyness?!.
-most of these new rappers rap about nothing therefore they cant fxcking rap!
-materialistic things DO NOT buy happiness.
-letting others define you as a person is a no no!
-almost every girl at WarwickHighSchool has the same freaking aeropostale hoody.
-Everyone isnt gonna like you, so stop caring what others think.
-There is always someone trying to take your spot in life.
-&&im done, for now.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

[[Kicked]] to the curb.

okayy so i have come to the conclusion that some people[[friends]] change, in bad ways. I mean i realize that as people when we get older we grow and change. But i mean like one year you all are cool and tell eachother everything and talk on the phone all the time and all the rest of the things that [[best]]friends do ya know?!. But then its like things change once they meet new people the friendship starts to gadually fade away.I mean yall are still friends but a lot of things just change.Its like you get kicked to the side for another person.Whether its because of a girlfriend or boyfriend they get or just another friend and then you just dont matter anymore.

and thats just flat out not right no matter which way you put it! especially when you have been friends with a person for a couple years and they [[kick]] you to the curb for someone that they met like three months ago.They dont tell you anything anymore and you rarely talk.Then you start to feel like your just being shut out completely.Then you start to feel like maybe you put to much energy into a friendship that deserves little to none of your energy.But the thing is you care way too much just to say okay I dont wanna be you friend anymore because its more complex than that.You think about the past memories that you have shared and the secrets you told to one another.But I guess you have to look at the good and bad things about the friendship, then you choose.I mean its not a jealousy thing its just a right and wrong thing.I dont know, maybe its just me. But leave some comments and tell me how you feel about the situation.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hilarious, had to post.

Okay this vid is too flipping hilarious.Especially when he has the freaking chimpmunk voice.