Tuesday, June 23, 2009

words from Heather Noble.

"its funny how hello is always accompanied with a goodbye;its funny how good memories can start to make you cry; its funny how forever never really lasts; its funny how much you'd lose if you forgot about your past; its funny how "friends" leave you when your down && its funny how when you need someone they're never around. Its funny how people change && think they're so much better; && its funny how so many lies can be packed in one "love letter". Its funny how people forgive but never forgett && its funny how one night can contain so much regret. Its funny how ironic life turns out to be. But the funniest part of all is none of that is funny to me..."

Monday, June 15, 2009


Jocked this from Jada(:


But lets get on with it shall we;;

have so much potential but your following the wrong path. Ii want to see you go far but the people that are you friends tend to have a negative effect on you :/ Ii you soooo much and ii hope you go on to do great things. Congrats(:

are hella confusing. Ii know everyone has their good days and their bad days, but DAMN. You can be a really big beeotch sometimes but ii know you arnt intentionally being a beeotch(: you're really smart and you have a good head on your shoulders. Ii hope you work out the problems that you're having.

are a great friend. But ii feel like we've somewhat grown apart. Ii mean, we use to talk a lot, and it just isnt that way anymore. We use to tell eachother everything, but ii realize that things change. Oh yeah and there is something that ii have been meaning to tell you, your a strong person, but you need a little bit more backbone. I hope all of your problems with your relationship and your family cease because you deserve to smile everyday instead of worry about other problems.

are such a great human being. Ii just want to let you know that ii would never ever in a million and one years give up on you. You are a bit crazy and wierd and different, but HEY, so am ii(: You need to stop being so depressed all the time though. You also have a good head on your shoulders buddy.

are hella opinonated. You dont bite your tongue for anyone, &&ii respect that. Although sometimes ii think your a little mean, ii guess its just honesty.

are hella RUDE, hha. &&you know you are. &&your ass stay ashy, ii mean damn, get some lotion. But your a great person whether your ashy or not(:

...iDk, your just, you. ii dont think you care whether you hurt people's feelings or not. Sometimes ii just feel like you do things JUST to get attention. A lot of things you do just piss me, even though ii dont say anything. One day you will learn that the world doesnt revolve around you. Hopefully that day is soon, but ii highly doubt it. You need to also realize that some things you say really hurt people.

But what about me?
Me? ii say some pretty harsh things and ii apologize. I get misunderstood A LOT! &&its kind of irritating, but what can ii do? ii cant control what people think of me, so why even try. YOU may think im mean, but me?, ii, really couldnt care. Im ready for school to be OVER because ii need to just chill and get away from the DRAMA.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

"We forgive but don't forget, it's interesting."

Interesting indeed. Why is this so? I think we dont forget because it might be hard to forget how bad it hurt. The thought of it just makes us mad, but we say we forgave that person for doing whatever they did. We forgive because it is the right thing to do right? Everyone makes mistakes right? Yeaaa, SUREEEE. But then we always think to ourselves, how could he/she do something like that or say something like that or go behind my freaking back like that? I thought we were friends. Friends dont do that to eachother, &&yet we still forgive them, but we never forget about it. Our minds wont let us forget. Sometimes we want to, BADLY, but we cant, &&it SUCKS to your auntie. But whatever, that's L.I.F.E! &&life, oh its pretty darn rough.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

im tired of all the bullshit.

So im kind of at that point right now where the smallest thing and im mean the smallest thing can just make me blow the fck up. Im tired of people's bullcrap, and im tired of people talking about me behind my back. Im tired of all the BS that comes along with a certain person, im TIRED of it all. Im tired of people jumping to conclusions, &&im tired of people not taking responsibility for the own actions. STOP blaming other people for the wrong that you do and own up to it. If you have something to say to me, say it to me, and not everyone else. Im tired of the certain people that always play the victim, like what they do or did wasnt wrong. Im tired of the people that think the whole freaking world revolves around them, WHEN IT DOESNT. Im tired of the people that has their head so far up their asses that they cant see when they really hurt someone. But most of all, im tired of YOU.

Monday, June 8, 2009

3rd blog.

so uhh, ii wanted to say a lot more, but ill leave it at this.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

why, cant ii seem to figure out what to do?

okay, so ii have this big history project, which ii should be doing right now, &&its dew/do in 3days, and ii dont know where to start. &&ii dont think im going to be able to get enough news articles. Goshhh, pray for meeeeeeee(: